Secret Cat Haven

Below is a picture of a secret haven for possibly over 800 kitties.

The reason why I am not gonna name or say where this is is because this is not a place for you to dump your cats after you got tired of them!

It is a no kill shelter mostly for cats who are adult/senior or with conditions which deemed them unadoptable, example cat with health/bowel problems, or social problems etc. Adoption has to be by appointment only and they're only open for public a few hours on a weekend day.

This kitty has extra toes! He allows visitors to pick him up but will meow when you do so and also when you put him down XD

This place is run by a group of cat loving volunteers and they keep the place running by donations. It has both indoors and outdoors type settings which are enclosed, a laundry area where tons and tons of towels are being washed each day, food and water is always available for the huge population (all spayed/neutered) so it is generally peaceful = no cat fights.

Cats which need to be isolated due to contagious illnesses or if they are new have rather big custom made cages which has their own litter box and other necessities like food, water, basket to sleep in and toys.Cats are allowed to roam around in the huge enclosed space and many things are built with them in mind, lots of high places where they can climb to and look down at us lowly humans (LOL)

The volunteers actually know most of the cat's names in there, if not at least a large number of them (over 800 names to remember, imagine that!) We were told while going on a tour with a volunteer that this kitty likes to jump on people's shoulders lol!.

Cats which are unpredictable will have a collar on them as a warning - meaning they may bite or scratch if you tried to pick them up or touch them.

Some cats look very different from the others, take short round guy in the picture below for example, he unfortunately has bowel problems :( he would pee or poo and it'll just drop off behind him =_=; So he cannot be adopted out, since he would leave his pee or poo around the house unfortunately. He has a sibling who looks more "normal" but also have the same bowel problems, apparently it is a hereditary condition.

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