Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design Twist

Highland Park Distillery celebrated the launch of a 50 years old island single malt whisky with an disarmingly beautiful design. Your home would be eternally greatful to have such a magnificent decoration made from precious metals. Give your collection of fine drinks a boost with this splendid acquisition. The "Highland Park 50 year old" has only 274 siblings made so it is sure to become an exclusive collectors` love. Each of the 275 limited edition bottles is unique: each has its own intricate hand-crafted ornaments. Harrods London was the place where this bottle first saw daylight and where it is still exclusively available until the end of October. The distillery's oldest and most prestigious drink has a design inspired by Orkney Islands. Artist Maeve Gillies (international bridal jewelery designer) constructed all the ornaments from sterling silver suited for such a magnificent drink.

Highland Park 50 years old 4 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design Twist

Highland Park 50 years old 2 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design TwistHighland Park 50 years old Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design TwistHighland Park 50 years old 3 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design Twist

Tree elements helped construct the bottle`s design: the influence of the sea, wild weather and the passage of time. The sterling silver ribbon embracing the bottle squeezes the clear glass as if it was the last time that it can touch and love the complex drink. "In recognition of the famous St Magnus Cathedral and its medieval beauty, the front of each bottle features a single piece of circular Orkney sandstone into which is hand-carved the Highland Park amulette. Inside the bottle, behind this sandstone, lies a Sterling silver replica of the St Magnus rose window which is revealed over time as the whisky is enjoyed." Every great conquest comes at a price. This particular 50 years long waiting period combined with a complex taste and a monumental design has an interesting price: $ 16, 470.

Highland Park 50 years old 8 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design TwistHighland Park 50 years old 7 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design TwistHighland Park 50 years old 6 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design TwistHighland Park 50 years old 5 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design TwistHighland Park 50 years old 11 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design TwistHighland Park 50 years old 9 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design TwistHighland Park 50 years old 10 Exclusive Fine Drink Bottle Design for an Interior Design Twist

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